Well, dental emergencies are not only related to dental conditions; but these can include anything that may turn up during a dental treatment or surgery. A dentist should always be prepared to face them and take prompt action. In order to know more about emergency care at your dentist’s clinic, you can search on the internet using words such as coconut creek emergency dentist

Following are some emergencies that may pop up during dental treatment:

Vasovagal Syncope

When a part of your nervous system malfunctions and this drops your heart rate and blood pressure, you are suffering from vasovagal syncope. You can actually avoid it by identifying the trigger and can be suggested some medication depending on your condition. Your dentist can diagnose it through various symptoms such as rapid heart palpitations, fainting, sweating, nausea, and pale complexion. 

Cardiac Arrest

This is a sudden or unexpected loss of consciousness, breathing, and functioning of the heart. In this condition, the heart stops beating all of a sudden. Your dentist might give you CPR or use a defibrillator to make your heart beat again. Other procedures include medication and device implantation.  

Epileptic Seizure

Although epileptic seizure is mostly handled by a neurologist, your dentist also needs to know how to handle this condition if his or her patient suffers from it during any dental care or treatment. When your brain’s electrical activity bursts out all of a sudden, you are suffering from an epileptic attack. This condition changes your behavior, body movements, level of consciousness, and feelings or expressions.


When the blood sugar drops below a certain required level, you are suffering from Hypoglycemia. It is an extremely dangerous condition. It also occurs when you are taking certain medicines for diabetes. Fatigue, mood irritation, mental confusion, blurry vision, fast heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, anxiety, and shaky movements are all symptoms of this condition. 

Your dentist must know if you are suffering from this condition before starting any treatment for your dental condition. 

Dental Emergencies


When your heart is deprived of oxygen-rich blood, a sudden pain starts in your chest or heart. This condition is called Angina. In this condition, your heart starts beating harder and faster to absorb more blood and this causes enough pain. It is actually a symptom warning you of a heart disease and you should immediately get it checked. Your dentist will ask you to fill out a form to make him or her aware of any serious health condition are you suffering from before he or she puts you on any dental treatment.


This is a very serious and fatal allergic reaction in your body if exposed to any allergen. Symptoms of Anaphylaxis include itching, rashes on the skin, nausea, shock, wheezing, vomiting, and breathing difficulty. If this condition is not treated with adrenaline, you can lie unconscious or die a sudden death. 

Your dentist must have all the necessary medicines or contacts to call for other doctors at his clinic if his or her patient suffers from any condition that is life-threatening. 


The airways narrow and swell thereby producing a lot of mucus if you have Asthma. Your breathing becomes difficult; you start coughing and wheezing (whistling sound) when you breathe. There is a constant shortness of breath unless you use a rescue inhaler. For some people, asthma is a very minor condition and they always walk with an inhaler. 

A dentist is not an all-rounder, but he or she can certainly make ways to help you overcome any emergency during dental treatment. Use words such as Coconut Creek emergency dentist to find out more about dental emergencies.